Observations and Commentary on the Interaction of the Internet and the Automotive Industries


Friday, September 12, 2008

Dealers - In Case You Think This Phenomena is Not Happening !!

As I approach people in the Car Business to discuss the Social Media happening in the world, I find that there is more skepticism than acceptance. Last year the Auto Industry in the US spent 12-15 BILLION dollars on advertising alone.

Do you know if it worked ?

Did you reach the audience you wanted or did much of fall on deaf ears and eyes and end up in the garbage can ?

You have 100 million of YOUR customers on Facebook alone and yet there is almost no presence in that space. What does this Automotive 2.0 cost you ? Almost nothing, just some time and a caring attitude.

Want your CSI to improve ?

Want to sell more cars ?

Then get involved or keep doing what already does not work ? Don't believe me just look at the results.

If you want to learn more call or email me and I will share with you what I know and how I can help you take advantage before the rest of the world wakes up !

The train has left the station. Wouldn't you like this to be your Dealership ? One of your customers lives right next store but he is now going to drive 30 miles based on the social network site !

Read below: Forums: Share and Seek Advice on Car Pricing and More!
Old 08-20-2008, 12:21 AM
mark52 mark52 is offline
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Default Walnut Creek Toyota - JD Flakoll

I bought my 2008 prius from JD Flakoll in walnut creek. I got package NW #6 with Floormats, Alloy Wheel Locks and leather. JD and his wife team up to provide Internet pricing. They were great to work with and were no hassle. I communicated with JD via email and when i went in to buy the car, they actually had it in stock and there were no tricks or extra charges. I got exactly what i paid for. Highly recommend him - low pressure and does what he says he is going to do.
Old 08-22-2008, 02:31 PM
jenkins8 jenkins8 is offline
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Hey Mark52,

Do you have JD Flakoll's email or contact info? My wife and I are looking to buy a Prius. We're over in San Mateo but willing to go anywhere in the Bay Area if we can get a better deal.

Btw, when you went in to the dealer, how long did it take you before you drove off the lot with the Prius?

Mark J.
Old 08-23-2008, 01:22 AM
mark52 mark52 is offline
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Posts: 2

Here you go:

JD & Katie Flakoll

good luck.

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